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Our Vision

An educational Institution for creating outstanding women in the sphere of Da'wa, education and Tharbiyya based on AlQura'n and Assunnah on the path of Ahlus Sunna Wal Jama'a.

Our Mission

Creation of atmosphere for better teaching - learning process for those inspiring girls to learn Arabic language and Islamic studies, to develop abilities for guidance, as well as for promoting personality traits with sterling characters.

spread all over 9 regions

We Are One Of The Higher Achievement College

Rising to the Pinnacle: DHLCM, a Beacon of Higher Achievement, Ignites Pathways to Success. With a blend of profound Islamic teachings and rigorous academics, we cultivate exceptional minds and strong character. Join our community where ambition meets guidance, and dreams are nurtured to soar. DHLCM: Where higher achievement is not just a goal, but a way of life.


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“Ready to Join Our Journey? Your Interest in DHLCM Could be the Beginning of an Inspiring Chapter.”

Lecturers & Staff


Director & Principal

Ash-Sheikh Dr. ML. Mubarak (Madani, Phd)​

Asst. Director & Vice Principal

Ash-Sheikh R. Nuvees, B.A Hons & M.A (UQU)

Senior Lecturer

Ash-Sheikh Asfer Hasan Falahi (B.A Hons)

Senior Lecturer

Ash-Sheikh Idrees Hasan Sahwi (B.A Hons)